01-02-2024 Belgium Kubernetes and Cloud Native Meetup @Google Brussels
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Overview of all links https://brucon.org https://github.com/gofireflyio/aiac https://github.com/sozercan/kubectl-ai https://k8sgpt.ai/ https://robusta.dev https://ebpf.io/ https://ebpf.io/applications https://www.inspektor-gadget.io/ https://kubernetes.io/docs/tutorials/security/seccomp/ https://aquasecurity.github.io/tracee/latest/ https://aquasecurity.github.io/tracee/v0.19/docs/events/builtin/signatures/ https://sysdig.com/opensource/falco/ https://tetragon.io/ Here a few of the prompts used in the demo and screenshots.
aiac get create a Dockerfile to build a ubuntu image with curl installed
kubectl ai --openai-deployment-name=gpt-4 "run me a nginx server pod version 1.9.4 with name nginx-pod with label prod=false"
kubectl ai --openai-deployment-name=gpt-4 "deploy me a ningx server with name cncf with label prod=true. Also please expose the deployment with a NodePort service"
k8sgpt analyze --filter=Pod --explain
kubectl gadget trace dns
kubectl gadget trace tcpconnect
sudo sysdig -p"%proc.cmdline" proc.name=curl
curl 'https://radarsec.com/test=alert(document.cookie)'
sudo sysdig proc.name=curl
curl 'https://radarsec.com/test=alert(document.cookie)'